Function pymdtools::instruction::search_include_refs_to_md_file

Function Documentation

pymdtools.instruction.search_include_refs_to_md_file(filename filename, backup_option backup_option = True, filename_ext filename_ext = ".md", depth_up depth_up = 1, depth_down depth_down = -1)

Search and include reference to the markdown text
    @warning All the reference must be defined

    Depth down parameter :
                    - -1-> every subfolder.
                    -  0-> the current level
                    -  n-> (with n>0) n subfolder level of the folder

    @type filename: string
    @param filename The name and path of the file to work with.
                    This file is supposed to be a markdown file.

    @type backup_option: boolean
    @param backup_option This parameter is set to true by default.
                            If the backup option is set, then a file
                            named filename.bak will be created.

    @type filename_ext: string
    @param filename_ext This parameter the markdown extension
                        for the filename.

    @type depth_up: integer
    @param depth_up the number of upper folder to search for.

    @type depth_down: integer
    @param depth_down the depth to search for.