Function pymdtools::normalize::md_file_beautifier

Function Documentation

pymdtools.normalize.md_file_beautifier(filename filename, backup_option backup_option = True, filename_ext filename_ext = ".md")

This function take a file, load the content, create a backup (if needed)
and do some change in the file which is supposed to be a markdown file.
Then saved the new file with the same filename. The goal is to beautify
the markdown file.

@type filename: string
@param filename: The name and path of the file to work with. This file is
                 supposed to be a markdown file.

@type backup_option: boolean
@param backup_option: This parameter is set to true by default.
                      If the backup option is set,
                      then a file named filename.bak will be created.

@type filename_ext: string
@param filename_ext: This parameter the markdown extension
                     for the filename.

@return nothing